Africa is on course to meet only 2 of the 17 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) targets. How do we get the continent back on track and what’s the role of the private sector and more specifically, corporate Africa, in this endeavour?
We are excited to invite you to our upcoming webinar that will explore how Safaricom, a leading telecommunications company in Africa, has successfully embedded SDGs into its business strategy, making it a recognized global leader in this process.
The webinar will feature Joe Ogutu, the Chair of the Board of Directors of Safaricom Foundation, and Karen Basiye, Director of Sustainable Business and Social Impact, who will share how Kenyan technology company Safaricom has successfully integrated the SDGs into its corporate mission and strategy.
Despite global efforts to achieve the SDGs, reports show that our progress has hit a roadblock. However, Safaricom stands out as a leader in corporate engagement towards the SDGs. A recent article by Amanda Williams explores the reasons for the stagnation in SDG progress and uses Safaricom as one of the case studies in best practices to reinvigorate our collective efforts.
Safaricom's approach to the SDGs has enhanced its business performance, social impact, and environmental responsibility. The company has leveraged its connectivity and innovation to provide solutions for health, education, and energy, while also managing its operations ethically and sustainably.
The webinar will be the second part of the series based on the article, and it will explore best practices in reinvigorating our collective efforts towards getting the SDGs back on track in Africa. The first part of the series delved into the research behind it, and an on-demand recording of the webinar is available here.
According to Amanda's research on corporate SDG engagement practices, many companies engage with the SDGs, but their activities often lead to SDG washing. The article proposes three key practices that are driving meaningful change: aligning the SDGs with revenues, integrating the SDGs with the company’s purpose statement, and innovating and partnering for SDG impact.